
Equity, diversity
and inclusion

The Senses: Design Beyond Vision
Ellen Lupton and Andrea Lipps

Femme Type born out of the lack of representation within the design industry, the Femme Type book intensely celebrates and highlights the work produced by over 40 women in the type space.

Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design (Simplicity: Design, Technology, Business, Life)
Kat Holmes

Black, Brown + Latinx Design Educators: Conversations on Design and Race
Kelly Walters

Extra Bold: A Feminist, Inclusive, Anti-racist, Nonbinary Field Guide for Graphic Designers
Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Tobias

How Many Female Type Designers Do You Know?: I Know Many and Talked to Some!
Yulia Popova

Art and design HE pedagogies

Addison, Nicholas. and Burgess, Lesley. (eds.) (2020). Debates in Art and Design Education. (2nd ed.). Abingdon: Routledge.

Naughton, Christopher, Biesta, Gert and Cole, David.(eds.). (2017). Art, Artists and Pedagogy: Philosophy and the Arts in Education. Abingdon: Routledge.

Nebessayeva, Zhanar et al.(2018). ‘Promotion of entrepreneurship development by art and design by pedagogy’. Journal of Human and Social Sciences. 85, 2. pp. 780-802

Orr, Susan and Shreeve, Alison. Art and Design Pedagogy in Higher Education: Knowledge, Values and Ambiguity in the Creative Curriculum. Abingdon: Routledge.

Tovey, M. (2015). Design Pedagogy: Developments in Art and Design Education. Farnham: Gower.

Art and design in society

Brand, Willem and Koene, Pieter. (2017). Visual Thinking: Empowering People and Organisations through Visual Collaboration.

Buchman, Lorne, M. (2021). Made to Know. London: Thames and Hudson.

Roberts, Bill. (2019). Art, Design and Capital since the 1980s Production by Design. Abingdon: Routledge.

HE pedagogies

Brown, Sally (2020). Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education Global Perspectives. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Race, P. (2020.) The Lecturer’s Toolkit: 5th Edition. London: Routledge

Weller, Saranne. (2019). Academic Practice: Developing as a Professional in Higher Education. Sage.


Arts and Humanities
in Higher Education

An international peer reviewed journal. It publishes articles, reviews and scholarly comment relating to the arts and humanities in higher education.

Higher Education Pedagogies

An open-access, peer-reviewed journal publishing across a wide range of teaching and learning methods within higher education.


The UK’s leading illustration magazine with an international view of contemporary practice and industry. Published by the AOI, (Association of Illustrators).

Creativity Research

Publishes high-quality, scholarly research capturing the full range of approaches to the study of creativity.

International Journal of Art & Design Education

Provides an international forum for research in the field of the art and creative education.


An international, peer-reviewed, open access journal promoting significant research on all aspects of the visual and performing arts, published bimonthly by MDPI.

Design Issues

The first American academic journal to examine design history, theory, and criticism.

Journal of Visual Art Practice

This journal is a forum for advances in visual art practices and their critical contexts, engaging with diverse, global and interdisciplinary perspectives. It addresses the multiplicity of debates in art histories, theory and critique, and the inquiries of art practices, methods, and approaches.

Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education

Higher Education

Recognized as the leading international journal on higher education studies, this publication examines educational developments throughout the world in universities, polytechnics, colleges, and vocational and education institutions. It reports on developments in both public and private higher education sectors.


An international peer-reviewed journal. It explores, questions and challenges the nature and boundaries of Graphic Communication Design. Its values, roles, tools, practices, outputs, contexts and effects.

Selected articles you may find of interest

Re-imagining Learning:
Spaces of Possibility

Hay, Jenny. (2021). ‘Re-imagining Learning: Spaces of Possibility.’ The International Journal of Art and Design Education.[online]. Available from:

What COVID-19 has introduced into education: challenges Facing Higher Education Institutions

Treve, Mark. (2021). ‘What COVID-19 has introduced into education: challenges Facing Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).’ Higher Education Pedagogies, 6:1. pp. 212-227.

Pedagogy and Course Design Need to Change. Here’s How. Transforming the way faculty teach, students learn and learning is assessed.

Mintz, Steve. (2020). ‘Pedagogy and Course Design Need to Change. Here’s How. Transforming the way faculty teach, students learn and learning is assessed.’ Inside Higher Ed. [online] Available from:

Block Teaching in Art and Design: Pedagogy and the Student Experience

Slevin, T. (2021). Block Teaching in Art and Design: Pedagogy and the Student Experience. Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, 20 (2), 163-183.

Teaching creativity in art and design studio classes: A systematic literature review.

Sawyer, R. Keith, (2017).’Teaching creativity in art and design studio classes: A systematic literature review.’ Educational Research Review. Volume 22. pp.99-113.

Teaching resources

Design Teaching Resources

The AIGA Design Teaching Resource is a peer-populated platform for educators to share assignments, teaching materials, outcomes, and project reflections.

Climate Designers

Climate Designers is the global hub for designers and creative professionals from all industries, committed to using our creative skills for climate action.


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