Gathering Pace
2024 Conference
Thursday 5 September 2024 (optional) Evening Reception 6 – 8pm
followed by Late Night Art
(various venues across Belfast)
Friday 6 September 2024
Main Conference 10am – 5.00pm
Block BA & BD, Ulster University, Belfast
Ulster University
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Early Bird Discount £100 ends 20th June 2024
From 21st June, £120
Book your accommodation in Belfast HERE
This year the 2024 GLAD conference invited our community, to share how you are adapting your pedagogies and curricula to these dominant challenges.
1. Climate Emergency
2. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
3. Artificial Intelligence
4. Evolving Student Experience
Through this open call we wanted to surface and discuss current ideas, opportunities, needs, issues, and concerns currently being faced across our sector. We were keen to include arts learning & teaching matters, subject-specific debates, provocations, examples of contemporary arts higher education pedagogic research projects, student-staff collaborations and/or curriculum innovations. We thank all of you who made submissions.
The final schedule of presenters is now available to view, along with presenter abstracts in this booklet
Studio Pedagogy:
The Role of the Tutor in the Sticky Studio
In this presentation Susan will draw on her creative studio education research to share insights about the particularities of the role of studio tutor. Susan has recently stepped down from editing the journal Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education and will use part of the presentation to reflect on the ways which this journal’s corpus of research articles offers a strong foundation to understand the key developments in global studio education scholarship and practice over the last 20 years. To conclude, Susan will host a conversation where conference attendees will speculate about what comes next in relation to facilitating students’ creativity and learning.
Professor Susan Orr , Pro Vice Chancellor: Education and Equalities at De Montfort University
Professor Susan Orr is the Pro Vice Chancellor: Education and Equalities at De Montfort University. Prior to her appointment at DMU she has had leadership roles at York St John University, Sheffield Hallam University and University of the Arts London. Susan is a Professor of Creative Practice Pedagogy and her research centres on creative education with a focus on studio-based pedagogy in art and design. With Alison Shreeve she co-authored the Routledge book Art and Design Pedagogy in Higher Education: knowledge, values and ambiguity (2018) which is regularly cited in discussions and research on creative education. Susan was a panel member in the TEF 2 Panel and chaired the Arts Subject Review TEF Pilot Panel. She was also on the recent TEF panel in 2023. Susan is an HEA Principal Fellow, a National Teaching Fellow and in 2020 she led the academic enhancement team at University of the Arts London winning an Advance HE Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence in recognition of cross university work tackling UAL’s awarding gaps.
Susan has served on a number of Boards and committees in the sector. She has been a member of the GLAD and the Council for Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD) committees. At University of the Arts London Susan was co-chair of the university’s LGBTQ+ Staff Network. Susan chaired the European League of Institute of Arts (ELIA) Teachers’ Academy from 2018-2023. Susan edited the international journal Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education from 2014 – 2024 and is on the editorial board for the journal Teaching in Higher Education.